Tai Chi for Health - Beginner

  Community Education Spring/Summer 2020
  5/6/2020 - 5/29/2020
  We, Fr
  10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
  Neveln Center:Room 303
  Merry Amann

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This course is for the ultimate beginner, with no experience in tai chi. Are you looking to reduce stress, increase balance and flexibility while helping to improve your overall mind and body function? Join Tai Chi also called mediation in motion. Each class session includes warm-ups and cool down while learning basic core movements and advanced movements with direction changes to add challenge. You will be taught in a series of gentle, graceful movements linked together in a continuous sequence with each movement flowing into the next. If you suffer from any muscular/skeletal disorder, this may be helpful to you. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) endorses this program by Dr. Paul Lam as Falls Prevention for all ages Instructor: Amann